Since the Aces had a full week off for Christmas break, we took advantage of the opportunity to get out and see the sights. While most of the guys went home for the week, all the guys, and girls, that stayed in the “dorms” became quite the little family.
Below are some pictures from the week of fun, including my first hockey practice in 15 years, nature hikes, ugly Christmas sweaters, snow-machining, shooting guns and climbing Flattop.

It was so clear out this day we could see Mount McKinley in the distance (behind us), proving how massive the mountain really is because it’s approximately 4 hours north of Anchorage.

Flattop Mountain trail is one of the most popular trails in Anchorage, giving one of the most scenic views high above the city. The trail starts out through a hemlock forest, eventually leading to the alpine tundra to 4111 feet, approximately a 3 mile round trip. In the picture above, the mountain in the centre is Flattop and the mountain on the right is called Blueberry hill (3550 feet). Unfortunately, due to the snow, we were unable to climb all the way to the top of Flattop, but definitely something we will conquer when the snow is gone.

Even though we missed Christmas at home with our families and being able to take part in our normal Christmas traditions, this week was easily one of the best weeks of my life. It was a week of firsts (snow-machining and shooting guns) and most of all a week full of creating new memories and our own traditions.
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