2011 was a good year, possibly one of the best! Some highlights of the year included getting my first big girl job and everything I've learned/experienced from it, Steve's team winning the Kelly Cup, experiencing our first summer in AK (the entire summer was a memorable one), a new apartment, the start of our Sunday dinner challenge/tradition with friends (which deserves a post by itself... coming soon) and the fortunate opportunity to continue Our Alaskan Staycation. In the middle of all of these exciting experiences, I got a new camera and was able to document most of the memories. Here are SOME of the documented most memorable moments of 2011. ENJOY :)
P.S. Have I told you lately how much we are still in love with this place?
Mt McKinely, or Denali, in Denali National Park |
Cross fox in Denali National Park during the Griswald Family Vacation (aka Wales Family AK Vacay) |
First polar bear sighting during Polar Bears International's Leadership Camp in Churchill, MB, Canada |
My little girl, Maya the musk ox. Friends since she was a day old, 9 months later she is double my weight and still my baby |
Our favorite spot in Kincaid Park |
Eagle River in the fall |
My little buddy Mac, the red fox |
The Kelly Cup |
Steve fishing in Taku Lake |
Our first wild brown bear - A female fishing in the Kenai River