How was your weekend?
What was looking to be a relaxing weekend after a horrible week, one full of hockey, sleeping in, nature walks and maybe even topped off with drinks with friends, quickly became very unpleasant. We spent our Saturday night/Sunday morning in a place nobody wants to spend their weekend, or any time at all for that matter... the hospital.
Yep, that's right. The hospital.
Long story short, Captain Steve blocked a shot in the first period of Saturday's game, resulting in a broken fibula (leg) and some serious hardware. Safe to say, apartment 8 has had a very bad week (our roomie is out with a concussion). Read more about it here.
Definitely could have been worse, but 6 weeks can't go by fast enough.
Hoping for a speeding recovery!
Oh no!! Thinking of you guys and wishing Steve a speedy recovery! I'd say he literally took one for the team. Well played Steve-o, well played.