Every since we stepped foot back on Canadian soil last June, life has had its ups and downs. (Sometimes I can't believe it's been almost 10 months since we said our goodbyes.) Life has given us many happy moments, but has also tested our limits, morals and ultimately, our relationship. Living in a big city has been a tough adjustment, but we may finally be getting the hang of it. It's not ideal, but for right now, it is what it is and we're making the best of it. In the perfect world, I would escape the hustle and bustle, the pushing and shoving, the limited eye contact and unpleasant exchanges, the lack of door holding and thank yous, and the cement and tall buildings. In the perfect world, I would spend more time with my husband, go on unlimited adventures and stop to smell the flowers more often.
This past weekend I went and visited my parents'. Lately, visiting them has been my escape from this concrete jungle. Two days at their house is just long enough to allow me forget about how much I sometimes despise this city, before I'm tossed right back into it.
Today's post may not be much of a Photography Friday post, but it is my life lately, or lack there of, according to my iPhone...
This past weekend I went and visited my parents'. Lately, visiting them has been my escape from this concrete jungle. Two days at their house is just long enough to allow me forget about how much I sometimes despise this city, before I'm tossed right back into it.
Today's post may not be much of a Photography Friday post, but it is my life lately, or lack there of, according to my iPhone...
1// Take me back to the day when there was a big white tent filled with so much love on this lawn.
2// Nice view, and choice of beverage, for a quiz.
1// Breaky date with a best.
2// This little cutie melts my heart.
1// Found this gem in the closet at my parents'. The dance lessons didn't last long, but being a tomboy did.
2// So I was on the curling team in grade 8 and 9. No big deal.
1// We finally got some salmon at work. Is it wrong that it makes me want to go fishing in AK?
2// Best purchases of life - LL Bean boots, wool socks and Prana winter jacket.
1// Pancake Tuesday.
2// Sharing some pancakes with Katniss Everdeen.
1// I wish this could be my every day.
2// I have a love/hate relationship with this city, but sunsets like this one, get me every. damn. time.
What have you been up to lately?

Linking up with This Analog Adventure for Photography Friday.