October 28, 2015

Days of the Month: November

Don't forget to take advantage of T.O. & fro's ad sale, ending November 1! Use code "FALLLOVE40" for 40% off all Small Town ad space

november days of the month

Another month, another 30 days worth of celebrations! Here are November's days of the month and more fun blog post ideas, for those days when the creativity is lacking...

  1. Zero Tasking Day - Don't make any plans today. Schedule a "you day".
  2. Job Action Day - Give readers a glimpse into what you do for a living. 
  3. Jellyfish Day - What's your favourite sea creature?
  4. Stress Awareness Day - How do you unwind and relax?
  5. Men Make Dinner Day - Kick back and relax. Let the man in your life make dinner tonight. 
  6. Nachos Day - Nachos, pretzels or hotdogs? What is your favourite game day snack?
  7. National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day - How do you like your chocolate?
  8. X-Ray Day - Have you ever broken a bone? How?
  9. World Freedom Day - If you could take the day off work, what would you do?
  10. Sesame Street Day - What was your favourite childhood tv show? 
  11. Veterans/Remembrance Day - Remember those that served for your country.
  12. Fancy Rat & Mouse Day - Are you an animal lover? Did you have pets growing up?
  13. World Kindness Day - Say hello to everyone you meet today.
  14. Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day - What are your biggest pet peeves?
  15. I Love to Write Day - Tune out all of the distractions today and write for yourself. 
  16. Button Day - Share you go-to fall wardrobe.
  17. Take a Hike Day - Go for a hike in your area and share your photos.
  18. Mickey Mouse's Birthday - What is your favourite Disney movie, and why?
  19. Use Less Stuff Day - Repurpose an item in your home and share!
  20. Peanut Butter Fudge Day - What is your favourite peanut butter recipe?
  21. World Hello Day - Challenge yourself to say hello to everyone you come across today.
  22. Go For a Ride Day - Take your bike for a spin before the snow falls. Where'd you go?
  23. National Espresso Day - Milk or cream? Light or strong? How do you like your coffee?
  24. Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day - Share your unique talents. 
  25. Shopping Reminder Day - Paper and pen, or mobile app? How do you create a grocery list?
  26. Cake Day - Share your favourite birthday memories. 
  27. Buy Nothing Day - Don't spend a cent today! How did you do?
  28. Small Business Saturday - What are your favourite local businesses to support?
  29. Electronic Greetings Day - Send someone a random greeting card, just because. 
  30. Stay Home Because You're Well Day - What would you do if you could play hooky?
November is...
National Novel Writing Month - Do you have a book in the works? Share your creative process.
World Vegan Month - What is your favourite vegetarian recipe?
Child Safety Protection Month - What safety lessons would you share with fellow parents?
National Sleep Comfort Month - How do you ensure a good night's sleep?

This is just a small sampling of the many interesting and fun days celebrated in the month of November.  I hope you enjoy this feature, and that it brings your some inspiration when the creative juices just aren't flowing this month!

Happy November!

Past months: March  |  April  |  May  |  June  |  July  |  August  |  September  |  October 

What will you celebrate this month?


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