Home Stretch: 38 Weeks
Yesterday was my last official day of work before baby. Technically, I've been off since last week as per the doctor's recommendation, but yesterday I went in to hand things over and say my "goodbye, see you in a year". Yes, in Canada we get a year maternity leave. It was kind of a surreal feeling - it's one thing to leave a job and move on to another, but to leave a job knowing you'll be back in a year ,and knowing you're leaving to start a little family unit, is a whole new feeling.
Baby Wardo, we are so ready to meet you.
Since baby's arrival is very near, instead of doing the tradition "bump date", today I've decided to share 5 things I'm looking forward to...
1 | the answer to the burning question: who will baby be? It's inevitable that babe will be a blue-eyed blonde, but will he/she be a mini Mar or a mini Steve?
2 | new family roles. Lots of new roles in my family, not just first-time mom and dad. Baby Wardo is the first grandchild on both of our sides, so we have new aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas (and a great grandma on my side).
Baby's arrival also means a visit from my little sister, who currently calls the Canadian west home. I haven't seen her since our family vacay to Italy about 7 months ago, so I'm pretty pumped to spend time with her and see her in action as Auntie.
I'm also curious to see how the family dogs will react, since they are used to getting all of the attention around here. Titus gets frustrated because his normal comfy spot on my lap has been taken over by a moving round ball and he gets in trouble when he steals baby's stuffies thinking they're for him. I know my parents' dog Lola will be like a protective older sister, but I think Titus will ignore the baby, at least a first. A thing with hands that can't scratch him? No interest.
3 | sleep. Ok, so obviously sleep with a newborn will be limited, but as a former stomach sleepover, I am just looking forward to not having a basketball-sized lump in the way and not waking up roasting.
4 | having my body and brain [somewhat] back. Being 38 weeks pregnant is not beautiful - I'm slow moving, wheezing and sweating like I just ran a half marathon and my hands and feet are so swollen that they look like a rubber glove filled with water. I couldn't imagine being pregnant in the summer. Would not be pretty.
Despite knowing that I am growing a living being inside of me, gaining the amount of weight that I have has not been an easy concept to grasp. It's taken a huge toll on my body, and I look forward to be able to regain what I can back. Not to mention, get rid of the baby brain and clumsiness. I've broken something in the kitchen at least 3 of 5 days this week and have had some real doozies when it comes to forgetting things. At least, that's what I've been told. I can't remember.
5 | buying 'normal' clothes. Goodbye expensive maternity clothes, hello spring wardrobe! Have you seen the spring Joe Fresh line? I don't know a whole lot about fashion, but it is filled with light fabrics, colourful patterns and is mucho affordable. I pity those that don't have a Joe Fresh near them (or like me, in their local grocery store = deadly). Can. not. wait!
What are you up to this weekend?