Life Lately
If you follow me on Insta, you probably noticed it was a BIG weekend in these neck of the woods. Little miss Morley made an appearance a week early, but at just over 8 lbs, I am completely fine with that.
We are still in the "get to know each other" phase - her learning voices, deciding if she likes dad's beard and figuring out the whole sleeping and feeding thing, among many other challenges. One thing is for sure - just like her mama, she is becoming quite the stubborn little lady and loves her sleep. But when she's hungry, watch out, girly gets hangry!
Keeping the gender a surprise (which was so worth it by the way), we knew it was a 50/50 chance we could have a girl, and did not care one bit what the gender was. BUT I will admit, we're just still in shock she is a she. I was so convinced Baby Wardo was a boy, and in the words of my husband, "had everyone brainwashed" into thinking so as well. Word to the wise - do not google "what does a boy ultrasound look like".
So, while I continue to navigate the new mama waters, I'll leave you with not one, but TWO, awesome giveaways from some fabulous ladies. Enter below for your chance to win your choice of $115 Paypal cash/Sephora gift card/Target gift card and a $100 Starbucks gift card! Both of which I could use right now because I can already tell this little beauty is going to be a handful...
Happy Wednesday!

Giveaway is open internationally for those over 18 years old. Winner gets to choose to receive $115 PayPal cash, a gift card to Sephora, or a gift card to Target.
a Rafflecopter giveaway